Saturday, September 25, 2010

Adding to my collection...

Introducing "Liza"...specially made for us! We've been watching and hoping for a little "someone" with red hair, green eyes and a brown nose!!  Liza has all three...and brains to boot!  We're already having lots of fun with her, and the adult dogs stand amazed while she wriggles, dances and runs circles around them! She also CLIMBS up, over and OUT of the enclosure!! So folks who just purchased puppies and enclosures...that is why I suggest the 30" height for growing pets. Liza's will also need a LID! :)
The entire fenced play area behind our house is golden with leaves changing color, and the dogs seem to sense the beauty.  They will suddenly stop their chase and sit watching the falling leaves...

Happy FALL everyone!  Its BEAUTIFUL!!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Together again...

Although Mya misses her puppies and looks for them, she and Morie are thrilled to spend more time together again...funny how they've been a perfect pair from the very beginning :)! Here they're enjoying the sunshine while they patiently wait for Nan...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Gang's all here...til Friday!

Wheee...Nan has a new floor to skid on!
 We get to play for 15 minutes and nobody wee'd on it! We're doing great!
We already know that the door opening means someone's coming and we MUST greet them...
And none of us are disappointed! Nan's man is our favorite!

Precious Chloe in all her sweetness, will be especially missed by Nan after the time and care given to ensure she wasn't pushed aside by the bigger ones.  We are so thankful to each of the wonderful families for sharing your lives with these sweet Cavachons. Its been 4 wonder-filled months of once again experiencing the entire gestation-homing process, and we are pleased to share our puppies with all of you.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Vaccination Day

Nan got all set up and we went to her clinic today! At this station Nan's man held each of us while we got poked, but it didn't hurt too bad because the pharmacist gave her some nice tiny needles instead of the big ouchie ones that come in the package.

At this station we got to taste the new wormer, have the hair around our eyes trimmed and our 100 tiny nails cut.  She says we all are getting another bath soon too.  That part is fun.

We're looking forward to having our immunity increased enough that we can soon go outdoors, meet other dogs, kids, and live in our new homes. One more week.

Thanks to all of you for visiting us here and watching us grow. Maybe our new families will send Nan pictures and stories so you all can still see what we are up to and how we look as we get older. She would like that alot!
Tired now! Was a BIG DAY!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Six Weeks...

Well, Im a really good momma and like to protect and admire my babies, but NURSING!...well for now I'll just say "it sucks"!! (pardon the pun)  I sure am glad to see them learning to eat out of a dish with those sharp new teeth! ........MYA........zzzz. 

We love our warm softened puppy kibbles!
Nan says this is the best use she's ever seen for microwave muffin pans...who bakes in the microwave?!! Apparently not her!

We had a HUGE weekend with visitors for each one of us! What'dya know! They all liked us so much that they gave us names, and said we were going to go live with them soon. We were so pooped after our visits that we didn't even fight about who got to sleep in our POOH chair.  First man down got it! 
BUT WE RECOVERED, and HERE we are in our  photo shoot at 6+ weeks:


My new family is Dwain, Candy, Andrew & Danielle. They have given me the name CHLOE.

Monday, August 23, 2010

MYA is a MOMMA!! and her BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES part 3 .

On July 18th Mya gave birth to 5 perfect Cavachon puppies.  She was so delighted with them that she couldn't stop smiling for 3 days!
We've discovered what wonderful doggy nurseries these little pack'n'play cribs can become?! Mya and her puppies have it in their own bedroom, and when the puppies reach a couple weeks of age, we attach a 8x4' safety enclosure in the front of the crib for them to have room to play, eat and begin using the potty area at one end, while still accessing their crib.
The whole gang, growing nicely at one week old.
Lotsa cuddles and lovin' is just what they need...

...and makes for some pretty contented puppies!!
Here are each of the puppies as of this week (at 5 weeks old.)  To learn more about this gentle, companion hybrid go to  The puppies will be old enough for new homes by the middle of Sept. Thanks for stopping by...Nan. Brynn, Erik, & Jack have chosen this little cuddler to join their family. His name will be posted soon, and I know he will have a ton of fun with all of you! If he's like his dad, you better have a good supply of tennis balls to play fetch with.

Elyse, Dominiq & Sofie have chosen this little cutie as their friend. She has a beautiful name..."WILLOW" many sleeps til she comes home, Elyse? :).

Sweet little "Peewee" is on hold til Tuesday 5pm, then available to first person on wait list if not reserved. She's a DOLLY!
Jayda has chosen this beautiful white baby to become her furry companion.  She has named her 'ANGEL', and I know already that Angel's life is going to be "heavenly"!  Congratulations Jayda!

Hanna & Aidan have chosen this beautiful blondie (below) to join their family, which includes a lovely shih tzu companion named "HALO" for her to have fun with. Have fun getting ready to share your lives with her.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A queen arrives on the scene...part 2 of 3!

After awhile, along came a sassy little strawberry blonde into Morie's life, and set his world to spinning.  She is as feminine in her outward appearance as Morie is masculine!  Although she grew out of the reddish hair color, she is now a stunning blonde with apricot highlites.  Mya is precocious, intelligent, affectionate, and IN CONTROL of the pack...including her humans!  Along with her wit, she TALKS!  In being a very social creature, she puts on the strangest whimpering-talking-howling performance you've ever seen when greeting guests! Once you have been introduced "properly" and on her terms, she's satisfied with having been a good hostess on behalf of her pack, and returns to her self- assumed task of tending to everyone else's business.  She has successfully claimed all rights to my man while he's in his recliner, and I believe is the first living creature to ever actually get his undivided attention in short order, even while he's reading...which she oversees.  We have had alot of laughs and amazing moments observing her personality and intelligence. We introduce you to our Cavachon QUEEN Mya:

"The dog has had more fun out of man than man has got out of the dog, for the clearly demonstrable reason that man is by far the more laughable of the two beings."
by james thurber
                                                                     More later, Nan

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It all began with Morie

The little fellow Im writing about today marked the beginning of a dream come true.  He also represents happy memories of the Spaniel mentioned in my first blog post. That little spaniel was the best childhood gift my Mom ever gave me, and this little guy was a special gift to me 3 years ago.  Hence his name is MORIE...the last part of the word MEMORIES.
I had been seeking a pet with many attributes.  My man heard about the kindly natured, child-loving, non-shedding CAVACHON on a radio program during one of his road-trips.  We researched the hybrid combination of CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL crossed with BICHON FRISE, and began the search for a CAVACHON.  After a few months we found him, and he hasn't let us down in being loving, gentle, non shedding and playful especially toward children.  We introduce Mister Morie...

  All grown up, and a faithful companion to me:

To be's to happy memories,

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dog days of summer

This must be what people call the "dog days of summer".  Wow its hot, and Im sure glad we don't have to work hard to earn our keep around here!
We love it when Nan's man works outside and gets tired or hot too.  He is good at hanging out with us.  Says he's earning his keep too.
Actually, he's pretty good at "hanging out" the laundry too. Nan says line-dried clothing is one of her favorite things about the dog days of summer. Hope y'all are staying cool!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pesky Flies

We are nearing the month of August, which in our part of the country is the worst for biting black flies and the harm they can cause animals. After trying various products to heal fly bite sores on ears and legs, this has won my respect as the best all-around antiseptic that protects, heals the open area AND discourages more bites because the flies don't like it! Its available at most farm supply stores or Lee-Valley Tools.  It also works well on rough, itchy gardener's hands. Keep your fly swatters handy, August is just around the corner!     ~Nan~

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your DOG. You are his life, his love, his leader.   He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.                                

Its a beautiful life

Babies, flowers, beets and carrots

Nan is off in her own world today thinking about their beautiful new grandaughter and looking at her flowers! Casey is thinking this would be the perfect time to show the little gals some fun in the veggie patch..."come on Button, Freckles and Mya; follow me...oh, look here, Ty is already enjoying his beet breakfast! Ha, carrots are better!  He just likes beets because they're the shape of a ball!"

We love gardens

The uprooted carrot row, and the not-very-guilty looking culprits. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

Freckles in Dandelion Meadow and Oakley's Puddle

''A dog at my side' comes to you following 45 years of owning, loving, raising and learning about dogs. Being an only child found a beautiful Labrador at my side, whose watchfulness and partnership could never be measured or told in words. As a teen, my Spaniel whelped 3 beautiful litters that helped fund my nursing education, and gave opportunity to apply newfound care provider and management skills. As a new bride and stranger in an unfamiliar location, there was a dog at my side. My husband and I were blessed with three children, and their pet dogs, cats, goats, cows and horses have all been part of learning about relationships and care. Through life's adventures, losses, joys, and sometimes loneliness, there has always been a dog at my side. When I listen carefully to my life, I find that companionship with a dog has touched the broader issue of relationship with all of creation and the Creator. How we interact with a pet reflects our general attitude toward God and nature, a tell-tale sign of the soul.
I hope this blog will bring mutual enjoyment for writing, reading, sharing, and advocacy for pet lovers of all kinds. Dogs of my lifetime and some of their finer moments will be posted, along with occasional little Cavachon puppies as they become available. On that note, I wish to say here that I am not a kennel breeder of dogs. Our two Cavalier Spaniels and two Cavachons are pets and companions, and are welcome in all parts of our home and lives. Our Retrievers prefer to live outdoors, and you will catch some glimpses of their beauty and the natural surroundings as well. The gardens and acreage are enjoyed by all our friends and family including those with paws, and the photos will give testament to that.