Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A queen arrives on the scene...part 2 of 3!

After awhile, along came a sassy little strawberry blonde into Morie's life, and set his world to spinning.  She is as feminine in her outward appearance as Morie is masculine!  Although she grew out of the reddish hair color, she is now a stunning blonde with apricot highlites.  Mya is precocious, intelligent, affectionate, and IN CONTROL of the pack...including her humans!  Along with her wit, she TALKS!  In being a very social creature, she puts on the strangest whimpering-talking-howling performance you've ever seen when greeting guests! Once you have been introduced "properly" and on her terms, she's satisfied with having been a good hostess on behalf of her pack, and returns to her self- assumed task of tending to everyone else's business.  She has successfully claimed all rights to my man while he's in his recliner, and I believe is the first living creature to ever actually get his undivided attention in short order, even while he's reading...which she oversees.  We have had alot of laughs and amazing moments observing her personality and intelligence. We introduce you to our Cavachon QUEEN Mya:

"The dog has had more fun out of man than man has got out of the dog, for the clearly demonstrable reason that man is by far the more laughable of the two beings."
by james thurber
                                                                     More later, Nan


  1. The second picture down, what kind of dog is that?

  2. oh ok well i see now that is a Cavachon. I was just wondering because i have a Golden Doodle and from behind the second picture looks exactly like my dog.
